




yabo亚博网站首页3月1日,国家发展改革委、中央网信办、工业和信息化部、公安部、财政部、自然资源部、生态部环境部 住房城乡建设部 交通运输部 农业农村部 商务部 应急部 中国人民银行 海关总署市场监管总局、统计局、气象局、银保监会、证监会、能源局、铁路局、民航局、邮政局、铁路局公司。 《关于促进物流高质量发展促进形成强大国内市场的意见》(以下简称《意见》)




























































物流是实体经济不可分割的一部分。加快解决物流发展不平衡不充分问题中国铁路物流网,推动物流高质量发展,是推动物流业发展方式转变、结构优化和动力转换、实现转型升级的必由之路物流业本身;降低实体经济特别是制造企业物流成本水平,增强实体经济活力是必然选择;迫切需要深化供给侧结构性改革,增强经济发展内生动力,提高社会经济运行效率。一是推动形成强大的国内市场。 ,构建现代经济体系,实现国民经济高质量发展的内在要求。物流业发展的贡献不仅体现在行业和企业自身创造的税收和就业上,还体现在支持和促进区域内相关产业增加税收和就业,有效促进了快速增长。的区域经济。要把推动物流高质量发展作为当前和未来改善产业发展和投资环境的重要抓手,培育经济发展新动能的关键举措,采取高质量以发展物流为突破口,加快促进区域经济和国民经济发展。综合竞争力。



(二)加强多式联运和接驳设施薄弱环节建设。充分发挥政府投资的示范带动作用,引导各类社会资本加大公轨使用力度,铁、水、空运、陆运等运输方式到中转站、站,投资“非落地”装卸设施等中国铁路物流网,提高一体化中转衔接能力和快速换货的便利性,解决制约物流整体运行效率提升的瓶颈 推动有条件的物流园区引进铁路专用线 加强进站铁路专用线 铁路线等基础设施建设等短板 支持铁路专用线进入码头,打通公铁水联运“最后一公里”,实现铁路无缝衔接(发改委、交通运输部、财政部、自然资源部、铁路局、民航局、铁路总公司)按职责分工负责)


(三)完善城乡消费物流体系。实施城乡高效配送专项行动,完善城乡配送网络,鼓励企业在城乡建立物流配送网点,有条件的村庄,加强公共城市配送节点和社区配送设施建设,包括终端配送设施纳入社区统一管理,推进设施共享共享,支持试点城市和企业加快建设畅通城乡双向物流配送网络。实施“邮政下乡”工程,完善县村三级邮政农村物流配送体系建设。升级“快递下乡”工程,加快推进农村物流快递公共投递点建设,提高乡镇快递网点覆盖率。开展农村电子商务综合示范,提高农村物流服务质量和效率。 2019年,力争符合条件的国家级贫困县全覆盖。以合资合作方式发展乡(村)农村物流服务体系。 )

(四)建立物流公共信息平台,实现资源共享。推动完善全国交通物流公共信息平台,鼓励和引导各城市联合发布公共信息平台,加强与交通运输物流公共信息平台的有效对接。国家交通物流公共信息平台,推动物流公共数据在相关部门和大型市场主体之间的互联互通和开放共享中国铁路物流网,在确保信息安全的情况下,扩大物流相关信息公开的范围和内容,为物流相关信息公开提供便利。依托物流骨干信息平台试点单位探索市场化机制下物流信息资源整合利用新模式,推动建立国家骨干物流信息网络,锁定物流信息链,加强对社会物流活动的全程监控、预警和实时跟踪查询。依托行业协会,在全国实施数百个骨干物流园区“互联互通”工程,促进信息匹配、交易匹配、资源协同。 (交通运输部、公安部、发展改革委、商务部、中央网信办、住房城乡建设部、自然资源部、铁路局、民航局、气象局、铁路总公司、中国物流与采购联合会按职责分工负责)


(五)推动现代物流业与制造业深度融合。加强生产服务型国家物流枢纽建设,利用枢纽聚集的大量物流资源,提供高效为制造企业提供快捷物流服务,降低制造企业物流成本,提升区域制造企业竞争力,支撑制造业高质量集群发展。以物流降本增效专项行动为突破口,推动物流业与制造业深度融合创新发展。研究出台促进物流业与制造业深度融合的政策措施。制造业,鼓励物流企业es为制造企业定制供应链管理库存、“线侧物流”、供应链整合服务等物流解决方案。实施服务型制造示范评选,支持物流企业开展服务型转型。增加国开行大型厂矿制造基地等“点对点”直达货运班列,提高协议运输比例,扩大大宗物资运力互保协议范围, 2019年力争达到25个。1亿吨左右。加快发展集成电路、生物制药、高端电子消费品等高附加值制造业航空货运服务,增加“货车航班”,构建高价值商品快速物流服务网络。 (发改委、交通运输部、工业和信息化部、民航局、铁路总公司)


(七)提高制造业供应链的智能化水平。鼓励物流供应链企业在合规的前提下,为加工制造企业开发物流大数据和云计算产品,提高数据服务能力,帮助制造企业及时感知市场变化,增强对市场需求的捕捉、响应和快速调整能力。鼓励以个性化定制、柔性生产为特征的虚拟生产、云制造等现代供给发展, 高度共享资源的链式模式,提升整个物流链的价值创造水平。(发展改革委、工业和信息化部、商务部、人民银行根据职责分工)

(八)发挥物流对农业的支撑和带动作用。加强农产品物流骨干网络和冷链物流体系建设。聚焦农产品流通“第一公里”,加强农产品产地冷链物流体系建设,鼓励企业利用产区现有常温仓储设施改造或就近建设产后预冷、贮藏保鲜、分级包装等冷链物流基础设施等,开展分拣、包装等配送加工业务。鼓励企业创新冷链物流基础设施业务模式中国铁路物流网,发展多品种经营和“产销双向合作”,提高物流利用率。淡季设施,加强邮政、快递物流、物流等合作区分农产品产地,畅通农产品“上行”通道。开发第三方冷链物流全程监控平台,全程加强温湿度。监控,减少“断链”隐患,保障生鲜农产品质量和消费安全。鼓励和引导大型农产品流通企业拓展社区服务网点,减少中间环节,降低农产品物流成本。发展“生鲜电商+冷链送货上门”“中央厨房+食材冷链配送”等冷链物流新模式,提升消费者体验。鼓励各地全面落实冷链物流企业水、电、气、工同价政策。 (商务部、农业农村部、发展改革委、邮政局按职责分工负责)


(九)发展物流服务新模式。完善相关法律法规、标准规范,推动依托网络的货运新业态规范有序发展。显着增加货运量铁路公司经营的货运班列 优化铁路班列运营组织方案,推进铁路“门到门”运输全程可追溯,提供信息查询服务。探索开通国内冷链货运班列和“点点到点”铁路冷链运输。发展危化品铁路运输。发展“端到端”物流模式。鼓励和支持发展云仓、联合配送、集中配送、夜间配送等共享物流模式。分时配送等先进物流组织方式,在有条件的地区探索发展无人机配送 允许。创新模式。 (交通运输部、铁路总公司、商务部、公安部、民航总局、发展改革委按职责分工负责)

(十)实施物流智能化转型。大力发展数字化物流,加强数字化物流基础设施建设,推进货物、车辆(船、机)、场等物流要素的数字化。加强信息管理系统和云计算、人工智能等信息技术应用,提高物流软件智能化水平,支持物联网技术在物流园区和大型仓储设施中的应用,鼓励货运车辆安装智能设备,加快普及数字化终端设备和应用,实现物流信息采集标准化、电子化处理、交互自动化。叉车s”,推动扁平化仓储设施升级为立体网格结构。鼓励和引导有条件的村建设智慧物流配送中心。鼓励各地为智能快(信)箱的布局、建设、推广提供场地等便利。 (发展改革委、工业和信息化部、商务部、中央网信办、交通运输部、农业农村部、民航局、邮政局按职责分工)

(10一)推动多式联运发展。总结多式联运示范项目工作经验,研究制定统一的多式联运服务规则,完善多式联运、装卸场等物流设施标准,力争在货物交接、合同运单、信息共享、责任分工、货损理赔等方面取得突破。加快多式联运公共信息平台建设,促进货源与公路、运输等运输资源有效匹配。铁路、水运、空运,降低车船等车辆空置率 全国物流枢纽网络发展“一站式”多式联运服务产品,加快实现集装箱多式联运“一体成型”研究开展背驮式运输的适宜路线,发展海铁联运运输火车。在确保安全的前提下,积极推进LNG储罐多式联运。 (交通运输部、发展改革委、能源局、铁路局、民航局、铁路总公司负责)

(10二)推动物流供应链创新发展。充分发挥物流供应链系统组织、专业分工、协同合作、敏捷调整的优势,发展供应链中国特色企业,提高生产流通资源配置效率,提升企业综合运营效率。支持有条件的物流企业做大做强,发展以核心企业为基础的“链式”供应链,整合上游和下游小微企业进入生产经营环节,强化资源系统整合优化能力;发展基于现代信息技术的“平台型”供应链,重点解决信息不对称问题,提高资源的整体配置效率;优势互补渠道畅通,提升企业协同发展水平;发展以区域分工合作为基础的“块状”供应链,促进区域内企业高效协同、集聚发展,提升区域整体竞争优势。发展以库存管控为基础的“块式”供应链“共享”供应链,将库存管理打通并整合到生产、配送等各个环节,促进供应商和零售商之间统一调仓。 (国家发展改革委、商务部、工业和信息化部按职责分工负责。)

(10三)加快发展国际物流。深化通关一体化改革,建立现场查验联动机制,推进跨部门协同共管,鼓励应用智能查验设施设备,推进口岸物流信息电子化,压缩提高整体通关时间中国铁路物流网,提高口岸物流服务效率,提升国际物流便利化水平。完善海外航线沿线物流节点和通道网络布局,积极推进中欧班列枢纽节点建设,打造一批具有多式联运功能的大型综合物流基地,推进大中欧班列建设。规模化装配中心,加强组织协调和品牌推广n 中欧班列,利用进口博览会等平台,引导班列运营商加强与中亚、欧洲国家的规模化生产。对接制造企业,为大企业打造“量身定制”的班列物流服务产品,促进中欧班列双向均衡运行,提升中欧班列国际物流服务能力和品质。 (海关总署、发展改革委、商务部、铁路总公司按职责分工负责)

(10四)加快发展绿色物流。继续推进柴油货车污染治理。研究推广清洁能源(LNG)、无轨双源电动货车、新能源(纯电动)汽车加快岸电设施建设,推进港口船舶使用岸电。批发市场、快递转运中心、物流园区 鼓励企业采用标准的低碳环保配送模式 对新能源货车实行差异化交通管理政策,提供便利,扩大通行范围,限制甚至限制纯electric light trucks. Develop green warehousing, encourage and support logistics parks and large warehouses Facilities use green building materials, energy-saving technologi es and equipment, and energy-saving management models such as energy contract management. Taking green logistics as a breakthrough, it drives upstream and downstream enterprises to develop green supply chains, use green packaging materials, promote recycling packaging, and reduce excessive packaging and secondary packaging. , and implement the greening and reduction of cargo packaging and logistics equipment. (Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Development and Reform Commission, Energy Bureau, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Post Office, Ministry of Commerce press division of responsibilities)

(10五)Promote the application of standardized unitized logistics facilities and equipment. Streamline the specifications and quantity of freight vehicles, and strictly investigate and punish enterprises illegally refitting trucks. Study and formulate a special treatment plan for atmospheric liquid dangerous goods tankers, and steadily carry out the overhaul of trucks. Governance of non-standard freight vehicles such as long flatbed semi-trailers and ultra-long container semi-trailers. Set up a reasonable transition period, speed up the elimination of non-standard freight vehicles in stock through existing policies and measures, and encourage the application of standard freight vehicles such as center-axle vans , promote the smooth transition, transformation and upgrading of the freight vehicle market. Promote the upgrading of urban distribution vehicle structure, and gradually establish a distribution vehicle system with new energy distribution vehicles as the main body and small terminal distribution vehicles as supplements. Support containers, pallets, cage cars, turnover boxes, etc. The circular sharing of unitized loading equipment and the construction of a pallet service operation system will promote the circulation of second-hand container transactions. Encourage and support the development of shared modes such as public "trailer pools", "capacity pools" and "pallet pools" and new types of transportation such as drop-and-pull transportation. Encourage enterprises to use Intelligent pallets and other containerized unitization technologies, develop and use reusable refrigerator boxes or cold storage bags suitable for online sales of fresh agricultural products to improve distribution efficiency. Encourage enterprises to use 1200mm × 1000mm standard pallets. Speed ​​up logistics information, logistics facilities, Logistics equipment and other standards are connected. (The Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Railway Administration, the Civil Aviation Administration, and the Railway Corporation are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)


五、Improve the business environment that promotes the high-quality development of logistics

(10六)Deepen the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power and improving services" in the field of logistics. In accordance with the principles of "entering only one door" and "running at most once", simplify the administrative approval procedures for logistics enterprises to conduct business, and minimize the need for logistics Restrictions on business innovation of enterprises. Standardize and simplify the examination procedures for the integration of special railway lines, and shorten the examination time. On the basis of simplifying the registration procedures for domicile (business premises), support local governments to carry out the reform of "one license and multiple addresses" in the field of logistics. Streamline express delivery branches The agency will go through the formalities, shorten the approval time for express delivery business licenses to less than half the legal time limit in 2019, and fully implement the record management of express delivery terminals. Accelerate the promotion of off-site verification of road freight vehicles, and fully realize the cross-province national cross-province of ordinary freight vehicles by the end of December 2019. Off-site inspection. Further promote the normalization and institutionalization of joint law enforcement against overloading and overloading of vehicles, and strictly implement the unified national standards for the determination of overloading and overloading of road freight vehicles. (Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Public Security, General Administration of Market Supervision, General Administration of Customs, Post Office, The Railway Corporation, etc. shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(10七)Promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of railway freight services. Clean up and standardize the maintenance, repair and operation of railway transportation equipment such as dedicated lines, dedicated railways, self-provided freight cars, and self-provided locomotives by railway transportation enterprises. Service charges. Further open up markets such as operation and maintenance of dedicated lines, maintenance of self-provided vehicles, and short barges at both ends of railway transportation, allowing engineering construction, equipment manufacturing, and social logistics enterprises to participate in and provide related services, and promote the reduction of railway logistics costs. Support railway transportation enterprises to carry out pilot projects of co-management and sharing of vehicles, reduce the cost of using vehicles provided by enterprises, improve the flexible adjustment mechanism of railway freight rates, further clarify and standardize service charges for railway freight operation, and promote the transfer of freight transportation from roads to railways. Research and promote 160 New freight trains with a speed of kilometers per hour have been put into use, and relevant technical standards and operation diagrams have been improved. The implementation of railway freight increment actions has reached 33.6.8 billion tons of national railway freight in 2019. (Railway Bureau, Railway Corporation, The State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Transport, and the National Development and Reform Commission shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(10八)Reduce the cost of vehicle traffic and port logistics. Deepen the reform of the toll road system, accelerate the revision and promulgation of the Regulations on the Administration of Toll Roads, comprehensively promote differentiated toll collection on expressways, and improve the use of ETC non-cash payment for trucks, etc. Preferential policies. Further promote the pilot work of canceling expressway toll stations at provincial borders, sum up experience, and gradually expand the scope of canceling expressway toll stations at provincial borders. Reduce gate fees for waterway transportation. Further clean up port tolls, reasonably reduce charging standards, and standardize charging behaviors , strictly implement the charging catalog list and publicity system, and strictly prohibit illegal charging. (The Ministry of Transport, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the State Administration for Market Regulation are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(10九)Improve the level of urban logistics management. Scientifically formulate urban logistics policies, guide cities to improve the level of refinement of distribution vehicle traffic management, rationally plan urban freight channels, and avoid “one-size-fits-all” restrictions. Traffic management and control by time period and road section can effectively release the right of way for freight transportation and ensure the necessary needs of urban production and life. Encourage local governments to build a number of public logistics distribution centers in the central area of ​​​​the city, and provide logistics companies that serve the lives of residents through leasing and other means. Necessary business sites. Improve the facilities for loading, unloading, and docking operations of urban logistics distribution. Instruct enterprises to build large-scale logistics and storage facilities in accordance with the requirements of the recently released "Logistics Building Design Code" and other standards, and apply large-scale sorting operation lines to facilitate business operations. On the basis of regulations and standards and ensuring safe production, it is allowed to engage in repackaging and other distribution processing businesses in logistics and storage facilities. Under the condition that the source of goods can be traced and the flow direction can be traced, research and issue the operation specification that allows the change of destination of the moving inspection certificate , to facilitate the cross-regional distribution of cold chain logistics. (Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Emergency Response, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

六、Establish a supporting system for high-quality logistics development

(2十)Improve the modern logistics industry statistical system. Accelerate the research and establishment of the logistics industry statistical classification standards. Research and improve the monitoring index system that reflects the high-quality development of logistics key areas and key links. Increase the construction of the logistics statistical system to promote the implementation of the social logistics statistical system, speed up the expansion and quality improvement of the enterprise sample database, and strengthen the monitoring of operating costs and efficiency of key logistics enterprises. Use the backbone logistics platform to carry out road logistics monitoring. (Development and Reform Commission, Bureau of Statistics, China Logistics Responsible with the Purchasing Federation)

(Twenty一)Improve the logistics standard specification system. Improve the logistics standard system, revise, transform or abolish the standards that do not meet the needs of national economic operation and industry development. Further promote the logistics standardization pilot demonstration and supply chain System construction pilot and other work, strengthen the application of published logistics standards in relevant pilot demonstrations in the logistics field, and improve the level of logistics standardization. Support qualified logistics enterprises to upgrade their standards to industry standards and national standards. (The State Administration for Market Regulation, Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

(Twenty二)Construct an evaluation system for high-quality logistics development. Research, compile and release the "China Logistics Development Index" in a timely manner. From the aspects of logistics development quality, efficiency, motivation, contribution, etc., the quality level of my country's logistics development Carry out an objective, comprehensive and quantifiable comprehensive evaluation, and provide a quantifiable reference for targeted research and formulation of policy measures. (Development and Reform Commission, China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing are responsible)

(Twenty三)Improve and perfect the credit system of the logistics industry. Study and introduce the management method for the "blacklist" of the untrustworthy joint punishment objects in the transportation and logistics industry, clarify the standards for seriously untrustworthy enterprises, and build a government-level punishment mechanism for dishonesty. Give full play to the industry The role of organizations and social credit institutions, organize the establishment of logistics enterprise credit alliances, encourage the development of credit products for the logistics industry, promote the market-oriented application of credit information, and strengthen the effect of trustworthy incentives and untrustworthy punishments. (The National Development and Reform Commission is responsible)

七、Improve the policy guarantee system for high-quality logistics development

(Twenty四)Innovate land use support policies. Strengthen the coordination between urban logistics development planning and national land space planning. Guide local governments to increase land policy support, and encourage local governments to use effective carriers and multiple channels to integrate and revitalize them. The stock of idle land resources is used for logistics purposes. Explore a new logistics land supply guarantee model in which the government is responsible for land leveling and construction of roads, pipeline networks and other infrastructure, and enterprises are responsible for building operational logistics infrastructure, agreeing on land logistics purposes and leasing long-term land supply. Support policies for the use of old factories, warehouses and stock land resources of industrial enterprises to build logistics facilities or provide logistics services. For those who have allocated land for the construction of logistics-related facilities and engaged in long-term leasing and other logistics business activities, they can continue to use the original purpose within five years. The transitional period policy for using land according to the type of land rights and the related land use procedures shall be handled in accordance with the new purpose, the type of rights and the market price when the time expires and the transfer involves an agreement. , and provide support in handling planning conditions, planning permits, etc. (The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Railway Corporation are responsible)

(Twenty五)Strengthen the innovation of investment and financing support methods. In accordance with the principle of "supporting the excellent and becoming stronger", research and establish a special investment project within the central budget of a national logistics hub to support the construction of logistics infrastructure in a national logistics hub. Encourage compliance with Qualified financial institutions or large logistics enterprise groups should initiate logistics industry development investment funds, operate in accordance with market-oriented principles, and strengthen the construction of logistics facilities at important nodes. Support qualified logistics enterprises to issue various debt financing instruments, expand market-oriented active financing channels, Stabilize the corporate financing chain. Encourage licensed financial institutions to develop supply chain-based financial products within the scope of corresponding financial business qualifications, guide and support the flow of funds to real enterprises, and increase financing support for small and micro enterprises. (Development and Reform Commission, Finance Ministry of Finance, People's Bank of China, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and China Securities Regulatory Commission)

Relevant departments in each region should conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen organizational leadership, clarify the division of tasks, strengthen coordination and cooperation, increase policy innovation and support, and solidly promote the high-quality development of logistics. item work. The National Development and Reform Commission will work with relevant departments to strengthen work guidance, supervision and inspection, coordinate and solve problems in policy implementation in a timely manner, and promote the implementation of various policies and measures.

Attachment: 10 key tasks to promote the high-quality development of logistics in 2019

yabo亚博网站首页February 26, 2019
